Search results for Ísland

  • Front page

    ...i Nordiska rådet och dess presidium sedan senaste valet i Island, 2021. Hon har fungerat som Mittengruppens ordförande sedan oktober 2022. I Islands parlament, althingi, är hon ordförande för sin...

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  • Parties

    ...(LA) Moderaterne (M) Iceland: Progressive Party (F) Reform Party (V) Centre Party (Mf) People’s Party (Ff) The Faroe Islands: Miðflokkurin (Mfl) Independence Party (Sjfl) Sambandsflokkurin (Sb) Framsókn (Fr) Finland: Centre...

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  • Board

    ...Chair Catarina Deremar (C), Sweden Kjell-Arne Ottosson (KD), Sweden Ola Elvestuen (V), Norway Kathrine Kleveland (Sp), Norway Jouni Ovaska (cent), Finland Krista Mikkonen (green), Finland Johan Dahl (Sb), Faroe Islands...

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  • Terhi Tikkala returns as Secretary General

    ...advisor in the Committee for Welfare in the Nordic Region Hildur Helga Gísladóttir (Island) – Facilitator for the Icelandic members of the Centre Group For more information: Terhi Tikkala, tel....

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  • Five new member proposals after meeting in Reykjavik

    ...Jenis av Rana from the Pharao Islands put forth a member proposal in cooperation with the Nordic Youth Council aiming to establish a Nordic common patient data-journal. Patients who agrees...

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  • Nordics

    The five Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – and the three autonomous regions – Aland and Faroe Islands and Greenland – are different but still similar....

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