Terhi Tikkala returns as Secretary General

Today, Terhi Tikkala returns as Secretary General for the Centre Group in the Nordic Council. Terhi has been working for the Centre Group as Secretary General since 2007. For the past 1,5 years, Terhi has been on parental leave and during this time she has been replaced by Jonathan Lindgren from the office of the Christian Democrats in the Swedish Parliament.
Terhi will work from the Centre Party office in the Finnish Parliament.
Jonathan will continue in the Centre Group and the Nordic Council as Political Advisor in the Committee for Welfare in the Nordic.
The office of the Centre Group under the leadership of Terhi will have five employees during 2020
Terhi Tikkala (Finland) – Secretery General, the Presidium and the budgetary process of the Nordic Council
Lena Höglund (Finland) – Political advisor for the Committée of a sustainable Nordic Region
Louise Egholm Hattens (Danmark) – Political advisor for the Commttée for knowledge and Culture Gränshindergruppen
Baard Salvesen (Norway) – Political advisor for the Committée of Growth in the Nordic and the Control Committee
Jonathan Lindgren (Sweden) – Political advisor in the Committee for Welfare in the Nordic Region
Hildur Helga Gísladóttir (Island) – Facilitator for the Icelandic members of the Centre Group
For more information: Terhi Tikkala, tel. +358 50 434 5019, terhi.tikkala@eduskunta.fi